
Mission Hills is a progressive and contemplative community that honors and celebrates people of all gender identities, sexual orientations, abilities, faiths, ethnicities, and economic statuses. We create radical spaces of belonging, healing, and wholeness.

lgbtQ+ Belonging

People of all gender expressions and sexual orientations belong at the table of full life and leadership of the Church. We are members of Disciples AllianceQ, which seeks to create spaces in which LGBTQIA+ persons are embraced as a necessity to our shared humanity. LGBTQIA+ persons can serve in all capacities at Mission Hills, including preaching, leadership, and serving communion.

All belong here. 

San Fernando Valley Pride


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Upcoming Event


Upcoming Event 🎉




We love bringing together great people for great events. Embracing beauty at Mission Hills is enjoying food, music, nature, art, and great ideas in a creative environment that inspires our community. We regularly host community night markets, concerts, film screenings, festivals, workshops, and live events with authors, artists, and speakers who stir our imagination for a better future.

a few of our past guests

Arielle Estoria Live At Mission Hills Los Angeles

Arielle Estoria

Damon Garcia

Semler Live At Mission Hills Los Angeles


Peter Rollins Live At Mission Hills Los Angeles

Peter Rollins

bradley onishi


anjelica avella

wild and SCenic film festival

micky scottbey jones the people's supper.jpg

micky scottbey jones

mike Mchargue

Jonathan Willson-Hartgrove Live at Mission Hill Los Angeles


Doug Pagitt and Barry Taylor at Mission Hills.JPG

Doug Pagitt & Barry Taylor

trevor gordon hall


We commit positively to our community by pursuing the well-being of all people in the San Fernando Valley. We do this through our organic community garden, hosting non-profit organizations, supporting local artists and musicians, and participating in activism with social justice partners and allies.

book group

book group

compassionate Dialogue
community engagement
LGbtQ+ belonging

We are an evolving, diverse community of believers and doubters, sinners and saints who are doing our best to practice the compassionate way of Jesus. We are a Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) church, but we're a community of people from many denominations, traditions, and backgrounds. We practice conscious, compassionate dialogue on important issues facing our society, engage in the complexities of faith and religion, and advocate for the well-being of all people and those on the margins. We would love for you to join us!

ways to

compassionate dialogue

We value conscious, compassionate dialogue, critical thinking, and theological conversations because faith should engage life's most challenging concerns and questions. We practice deep listening, contemplation, and open dialogue that lead us to justice and compassion for all. Our Disciples of Christ tradition is non-doctrinal, and we don’t offer a set of theological positions, platitudes, or beliefs but value important questions that create space for beautiful diversity and move us into deeper love.

Community Engagement

We value community engagement by centering practices that benefit our neighborhood, city, and planet. We practice this through activities like our organic community garden, local partnerships, little free library, community art events, wellness workshops, yoga classes, and vegetarian community meals.

LGBTQ+ belonging

We seek to ensure that every person belongs at the table. Join us in creating spaces of radical belonging, healing, and wholeness that embrace everyone just as they are along their journey of becoming.

environmental JUSTICE

We are 100% solar powered, a Certified Green Chalice, 1% For The Planet Members, and offset all of our operations and driving. We prioritize learning and expanding our practices for environmental justice in our community and city, particularly through our free organic community garden. We practice eco-spirituality and are continually creating green spaces at Mission Hills.


In 2017, we embarked on a journey to prioritize environmental justice and eco-spirituality. This included developing a team to create a two-year plan to change our space and operations. We are 100% energy independent with 101 solar panels on site. We host climate leaders and activists to teach our community. We created the first organic garden in Mission Hills, and we offer free community workshops. Our garden is 100% free for anyone to grow organic vegetables to promote healthy and sustainable lifestyles for all in our community. We have planted 50 trees and counting on-site, including 16 fruit trees. All exterior and interior lights are energy-efficient, and we use the RecycLA for recycling. We carbon offset everyone’s driving to and from Mission Hills and all of our annual operations.

We are certified members of Green Chalice and 1% For The Planet.




We are conveniently located off of the 405, 118, and 5 freeways in the San Fernando Valley in sunny Los Angeles, California.


Being an LGBTQ+ Alliance church means that we strive to create spaces of true belonging, healing, and wholeness as allies with the queer community in all aspects of life and church.
As a Certified Green Chalice church, we are on a journey to be deep advocates for environmental justice and eco-spiritual practice in everything we do in our pursuit of being a carbon-negative community. We are proud to be unequivocally affirming and egalitarian.

